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Frequently Asked Questions About TalentGum

  • Q. Where will the classes happen?

    A. All classes will happen online on our platform. You will need to log in with your mobile number and OTP (or password) and join the class.

  • Q. What do I need to take classes?

    A. You will need a Laptop/Tab and a good internet connection to ensure a smooth learning experience.

  • Q. Can I cancel my classes once booked?

    A. Yes! You can cancel your online classes at any time if you have enrolled for the full course by sending an e-mail to us. The amount for the remaining classes will be refunded to you. Our e-mail id is

  • Q. What happens when my course is finished?

    A. You will be provided with a course completion certificate! We strongly recommend students to go for intermediate and advanced levels with us after completing beginner 3-month course.

  • Q. Can I contact the teacher directly?

    A. All communication with the teacher will happen through our platform. You can send messages to the teacher directly from the platform. In case of urgency, our team will be happy to facilitate a conversation.

Enter OTP

Please enter the OTP sent to +91 <%reg_mobile_num%>

Forgot your Password

We will send you a confirmation code


Didn't get a code ? Resend OTP
Please enter your phone number
Knowing your time zone ensure class reminders at the right time.
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