
Tips for parents to introduce their kids to chess


Chess is widely regarded as one of the best board games ever. Whether or not you agree, it has a reputation as a game for smart people. However, with a little effort, study and some tips for chess, anyone, including children, can learn to play and even master this game.

Chess has been shown to assist both boys and girls, especially in reading and mathematics, to do better in school. Kids can build critical thinking, resiliency, tenacity, risk analysis, and autonomy by learning from mistakes via playing the game. But beyond that, chess is a delightful game that even the youngest should learn. Here are some tips for you on how to motivate your kids to play chess.


Some advice on how to encourage your kids to play Chess

1. Think Upward

Now you will know how to play chess. What were you like when you were young? Didn't you find that you learned best in a setting that fostered optimism and support? The game of chess is entertaining. This is why we take part in recreational activities.

The benefits of playing chess go beyond only the chance to win. Even grandmasters make blunders from time to time when playing chess. Ensure your child grows as a player by experiencing the joy of both winning and losing.

2. Have Patience

Think back to your younger years once more. Do you remember how quickly or slowly you grasped certain concepts? The path to discovery is often winding and indirect. New players will progress through the game at their own pace, according to their skills. Be wary of setting your sights too high, even if you're a seasoned pro. Understanding chess is similar to figuring out a problem.

Learning a new chess idea is like putting the finishing touch on a puzzle. The sensation of accomplishment increases as more and more of the puzzle is assembled. The same goes for teaching your child chess; remember to be patient.

3. Make Chess Enjoyable

Learning succeeds not just in a calm setting but also in a pleasurable one. Chess is so popular with youngsters; it's a game. Learning objectives can be embedded in amusing games. Fun should be a feature of every chess activity, from instruction to play.

4. Schedule Weekly Chess Time

It is essential to schedule regular chess time. You and your child will set aside the time and plan to use it well. Maintaining regularity in one's adherence to a timetable is essential.

Committing to studying online chess on a set schedule, such as a particular day of the week, reinforces the significance of the subject and the regularity with which improvement is expected.

5. Introduce New Material Gradually

Learning a new subject thoroughly takes time. It would be best if you prepared to teach your child the basics of chess gradually. Lessons spaced over time and new concepts learned slowly should also aid recall.

6. Stop worrying about the rules

The rules of a game are there to ensure that everyone has a good time, but sometimes we need to remember that. The purpose of rules is to define the boundaries of play so that everyone has a level playing field and the game remains challenging and engaging. The rules of the game should add to the fun.

However, the game's many regulations can feel overwhelming for a young player just starting. If a rule is getting in the way of the fun, remove it temporarily and add it back in when it makes sense.

If a young learner suggests making all the pieces move like pawns, reversing a previous move, or switching sides in the middle of the game, there's no reason not to give it a shot. The goal is to keep learning enjoyable so that kids remain engaged. Put those restrictions on hold for now if they are preventing it from happening.

7. Meet them where they're at

Even though this is common sense for most parents, it's helpful to remember why it's such an integral aspect of teaching chess to kids. Meeting a child where they are developmentally and engaging with them is all there is to "playing at a child's level" to help them learn. The best way to do this is to let the child feel successful by collecting pieces and winning some games, even if it means taking it easy on them sometimes.

This doesn't imply giving up every time you're behind. That would be stooping to their standards. After all, blundering along is one of life's best teaching tools. Remember that it helps to experience early "wins" when learning something new to give you the confidence to master the skill.

8. Get started with abridged chess rules

Avoid cramming in too many rules at once. If you're starting with chess, playing a game with streamlined rules is more fun (and less intimidating). When you've mastered the streamlined rules and are ready to level up, you can switch to the complete set of traditional chess rules. "Standard Chess" refers to chess played by all of the regulations established by FIDE (the World Chess Federation).

9. Avoid having to rely solely on memorising by using visual aids as reminders

For many newcomers to the game, knowing the individual moves of each piece is the most challenging aspect. To avoid forgetting the specifics of each piece's movement, it's helpful to maintain a reference sheet on hand. You can purchase a chess set with such visual cues or create your own. If you decide to design your own, remember that visuals are easier to understand than words alone, so be sure to include them whenever possible.

10. Get a chess set for novices

There are also chess sets explicitly designed with beginners in mind! The designers of Fun Family Chess aimed to create a chess set that would make learning the game enjoyable and accessible for players of all ages. It has a wooden chess set, instructions for a streamlined game variant, and reference cards to make learning the rules unnecessary. There's also a "Chess Cube" (dice with chess symbols on them) that simplifies your learning by reducing the number of possible moves at once and adds a fun element of chance to the game.


Tips For Playing Chess

Now is the time to learn how to play chess for beginners. Here are some essential points for you.

1. Get to Know the Fighters and the Front Line

Your child should know what the chessboard signifies and why each piece is necessary before learning the rules and regulations of the game. Show him the pieces and tell him what they're called. Refrain from describing how they move, but try to place them in a hierarchy. Put a note on the board illustrating their arrangement.

2. The Point of Chess

The next step after teaching your child the rules of chess and how to set up a game is to explain what happens at the end of each move. While the pieces are placed in their initial locations, a narrative that emphasises the importance of each side's goal to capture the opponent's king while defending its own can be established.

3. Get the Foot Soldiers Going First

Having your child start with all the components at once can overwhelm them. Instead, try playing a simple game with just pawns and the rules you're already familiar with. Help your kid grasp the fundamentals of capturing a piece and protecting their allies to learn how to play chess. The diagonal motion is something he can get used to as well.

4. Toss the Reins to the Horses

Using pawns as a learning tool makes grasping diagonal and lateral motion simple. When they're comfortable with those, introduce the knights and help your child analyse their motions. Keep knights on the board first, and have your child move to a specific square.

5. Get the Bishops here!

Introduce the bishops once your youngster has mastered the knight's moves. Your kid may easily relate to them as potent pawns, which makes them simple to comprehend. Create a scenario where knights and bishops engage in a miniature fight.

6. Don't Forget the Rooks

The rook completes the command's available army pieces. Your kid would have no trouble with the rook after playing with pawns, knights, and bishops. It is time to experiment with new combat formations and find ways to utilise each unit's skills fully.

7. Ensure the King's Safety

While the Queen is often introduced first, the King and the pawns are better at helping your child grasp the game's core concepts. Makeup examples that illustrate the meaning of "check" and "checkmate" in simple terms. Make a variety of configurations with the pieces, and challenge your child to discover a strategy to check the opposing king while keeping his safe.

8. The Undisputed Champion

Holding off on introducing the Queen until as late as possible is crucial when instructing chess. The sheer potency of the Queen's skills can sway many children to choose to play with her from the get-go. Your child can swing the tide of battle with a Queen by understanding how to use the other pieces better.

9. Now We Can Start Playing

Start with a game and a reference sheet listing all the pieces and their probable moves for your kid. Don't rush him, but stop him if he moves incorrectly. Allow him to learn from his missteps and show him how to anticipate captures better and avoid them in the future. He will begin to pick up on new tactics as he plays and trains regularly.

10. Chess' Positive Effects on Kids' Maturation

After you know how to learn to play chess, it’s time to understand the benefits of playing chess for your kids. The game of chess transcends the board. A few simple pieces and a board with alternating-coloured grids may become a unique mental challenge and a powerful tool for teaching strategic thinking and teamwork. Since teaching chess to children at a young age is associated with so many positive outcomes, it's a no-brainer to do so.

11. Inspiring Novel Thoughts

Given its strict rulebook and regular movement patterns for pieces, chess may appear to be a highly rational game at first glance. This setup, however, allows for some of the most brilliant chess moves we've ever seen and the emergence of new concepts and strategies within the confines of the game's logic. This results from increased right-brain activity and original thought from playing this game.

12. Better Reading Abilities

In a chess game, players had to keep track of the pieces' moves and swiftly deduce what might have happened based on the notation. The eyes learn to recognise potential movement patterns of a particular game setup even if the notation is not attempted. Many kids now have better reading skills at a younger age as a result of this.

13. Longer Ability to Focus

Many children now have shorter attention spans due to the prevalence of video games, digital devices, and the "I want it now" culture. Because of this, keeping focused in school has become quite tricky. Chess is challenging; practising it regularly can help train your brain to maintain focus over time.

14. Establishing a Framework for Strategic Thinking

Most adults don't learn how to prepare for the future until well into adulthood, but children have an innate understanding of how to make the most of the present moment. You can only hope to win a chess game by anticipating your opponent's moves. Playing a game repeatedly can assist a child's brain in forming connections that will carry over to other areas of development.

15. Recognising the Value of Preparation

A great analogy between chess and real life is that you can't take it back once you make a move. A wrong choice can have a significant impact on the game's outcome. Kids who play chess regularly may develop an appreciation for the value of careful preparation and an awareness of the consequences of their actions.

16. Raising Your Child's Intelligence Quotient

It's easy to see that most chess-playing kids are also academically or otherwise bright. The ability to play chess successfully has been connected to an increase in a child's IQ and has a ripple effect on other parts of their behaviour.



The educational benefits of online chess are well-established. Parents would encourage their children to play the game regularly, whether enrolling them in a chess club, pushing them to compete in youth tournaments, or simply playing with them before bed.

In conclusion, introducing your children to chess can positively impact their development, from improving critical thinking skills to boosting their confidence. To encourage your kids to play chess, start by teaching them the basics and playing with them regularly. Make it fun by incorporating puzzles and challenges, and consider enrolling them in a local chess club or online program. As a parent, your support and encouragement can go a long way in nurturing your child's interest in chess.


If you're interested in further exploring chess with your child, we offer a free demo of our online chess program, designed to help kids learn and grow in a supportive and engaging environment. Book your free demo today to see how chess can benefit your child's development!

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