
Top 9 benefits of playing keyboard for kids

Benefits of playing keyboard

The benefits of learning piano include improved hand-eye coordination, increased concentration, better memory, and even reduced stress levels. It is true that no matter how old you are, you can learn to play piano. In fact, studies show that people who begin learning piano at any age experience similar benefits to those who began when they were children.


Through this blog post, we are going to discuss the top 9 benefits of playing keyboard for kids. So, let's begin!


1) Better recall and memory 



People who play the piano have better recall than those who don't play. It's not clear why this happens, but it may be because the brain uses the same areas for both tasks. Playing the piano requires using your hands and fingers, which activate the motor cortex, while reading involves visual processing, which activates the occipital lobe.


Myelin is a fatty substance that insulates nerve cells. The process of myelination begins during early childhood and continues throughout life. It increases during adulthood. Research suggests that adults who play musical instruments like the piano develop thicker myelin sheaths around their neurons than those who don’t. This may explain why people who play the piano tend to perform better on tests of memory and reasoning.


2) Boosts aural awareness



Aural awareness means being able to distinguish between different pitches, tones, and volumes. You may not be able to tell the difference between a C# and a D#, but you should be able to recognize when someone plays a high note and when someone plays a low note. You may not be familiar with all the notes on the piano keyboard, but you should know which ones are higher and lower than others.


3) Provides a workout for the brain



Did you know that playing the piano requires you to use many parts of your brain simultaneously? It’s true. Playing the piano involves using both sides of your brain. The left side controls the fingers and hands, while the right side controls the eyes and ears. This dual control allows you to pay attention to both the musical notes and the physical actions required to produce those notes.


4) Helpful in better communication



A Jewish rabbi once told his congregation, “You have only two ears but one mouth for a reason, and that mouth is covered by two lips."  


He meant that if you want to communicate effectively, you need to listen twice as much as you talk. But he didn't mean that you should never talk. He encouraged people to talk because it's important to share ideas and information. However, before you start speaking, you should think carefully about what to say. If you're not sure how to begin, try playing the piano.


The notes on the keyboard represent sounds that you can use to express yourself. And just like the piano, you can practice using these sounds until you get comfortable with them. Once you've mastered the basics, you'll find that you can easily express yourself through speech.


5) Reduces stress 


The study found that people who played piano had lower levels of cortisol, which is a hormone released when we feel stressed. Cortisol is known to increase blood pressure and heart rate, so playing piano helps reduce these effects. Playing piano also increases dopamine, which makes us happy. Dopamine is also linked to increased motivation and focus.


Playing the piano does much more than emoving negative emotions; it replaces them with positive ones. Playing the piano helps people feel happier and more optimistic about life. The reason why is that when we listen to music, our brains release dopamine, which makes us feel good.


Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that affects how we perceive things and make decisions. So, if we listen to upbeat music while doing something like exercising, we will find ourselves feeling more energized and motivated.


6) Boosts confidence



Piano lessons are great for building self-confidence. They help you learn to play the instrument and develop your skills. You get to practice every day, which helps you improve quickly. And you can do it anywhere, so you won’t feel intimidated if you live in a small town or apartment. The first step is to get comfortable with yourself.


You need to feel confident enough to play without worrying about making mistakes. This takes time and practice. Once you’re comfortable with that, you can start working on building up your confidence. Start small. Play a simple song on the piano. Practice it until you know it well. Then try playing it again, but this time, add some notes to make it harder. Keep practicing until you can do it easily.


Now, try playing it again, this time adding some chords. Keep practicing until you’ve mastered those too. Finally, try playing it again with all four hands. That should give you a good idea of how much easier it gets as you go along.


7) A better alternative to screens

Are you staring at your screen too much? Playing the keyboard provides a satisfying escape from your virtual world. Real keys, real sound, real music. It’s a sensory and kinetic experience, in every way. There's nothing to pretend about it.


Playing piano also puts you into contact with other real people in real space and time, and most importantly you interact with a teacher every week. You may also interact with students, additional teachers, and your audience, whenever you perform your music for others.


8) Better dexterity



Playing the piano is similar to exercising your muscles. It takes practice to build up muscle tone. Muscles need to be exercised regularly to grow stronger. Just like your fingers, your muscles must be used frequently to develop strength. Over time, your fingers will become nimble and dexterous. They will also improve their ability to grasp objects. This will make it easier to open jars and bottles. In addition, your fingers will become more sensitive to touch. This will allow you to feel subtle differences between notes. You may even find yourself picking out melodies on the guitar.


You don't have to be ambidextrous to play the piano, But playing will help you develop Ambidexterity. Ambidexterity means that you can use either hand equally well. When you play, your brains must tell each hand to do separate things. Your right and the left hand will play different notes at once, following different rhythms and going in opposite directions.  This skill helps you improve your reaction times, athleticism, agility, and overall performance on the keyboard. It also makes you more efficient when typing.


9) Career opportunities!



Playing the piano is a great way to learn about yourself and others. It helps you understand how people think, feel, and behave. You may find that playing the piano opens up new opportunities for you. Perhaps you could become a teacher, a musician, or even a performer. The possibilities are endless!


When you play the keyboard, your eyes follow the notes on the page, your hands move in opposite directions, your fingers hit the right keys at the right time, and your feet keep up with the beat. This is all done while keeping track of where you are in the song, remembering which chords you need to play next, and keeping your place in the score. It’s a lot to do at once, but if you practice enough, you’ll get good at it.


Before you learn to read music, you are limited in how much you know about music. You are confined to reading sheet music written by others. After you learn to read music notation, you remove those limitations and gain the ability to compose your music.  If you want to do so, you can use a musical instrument to create your compositions. 


The most common instruments used to compose music are the piano, guitar, violin, flute, saxophone, trumpet, drums, bass, and many others.  There are even apps available that allow you to compose music right on your smartphone.  So what are YOU waiting for? It‘s time to start composing your music.


Make your child today's Beethoven 


The benefits of music on the brain are countless. The process of interaction between music and us human beings is beautiful. Music spreads positive emotions through us by affecting various parts of our brains that are responsible for spatial reasoning.


Several studies suggest that the people who receive training in music during their childhood tend to use their brains in a different and better way as compared to others.


Music is a beautiful gift capable of bringing back faded-away smiles and softening stone-hard hearts.


Now that we have discussed the various benefits of music, we extend our hand to take you and your little one on a beautiful musical journey. We at TalentGum offer a quality online keyboard course that shall make your kid a master of playing Piano & Keyboard.


Remember: Your child's satisfaction is our motivation. That's why, our team has done extensive research, and included only the best and the most practical learning material in our online keyboard course.


So, what are you waiting for? Allow us to unleash the rockstar within your child with our keyboard online classes. See you soon!

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